Carolus Linnaeus, replica of a painting in Estate Hartenkamp. 1853 by Hendrik Hollander (1823-1884). Source: Linnaeus engraved by H. Kingsbury after Martin Hoffman (1737). Source: Wikipedia, Public Domain .... The date of these fields varies, some of the symbols seems to match religious symbols of Iron Age southern Nordic areas, e.g. the wheel and the trinity symbol. You can see the carvings in stone such as from the mountain Skala Odinokaya in Kanozero Odin. ...
The bTrinity/b God the Father God the Son (Jesus Christ) God the Holy Spirit The Bible Old Testament ? LXX New Testament The Gospels Ten Commandments Sermon on the Mount Christian theology. Fall of Man ? Divine Grace b....../b The fortress at Inchtuthil was destroyed by fire while still only 40% complete and the other fortifications of the bGask/b Ridge in Perthshire erected to consolidate the Roman presence in Scotland in the aftermath of Mons Graupius were abandoned within the ...
Bramley May, sister to William Gask the Elder and Daughter to Trinity Gask the younger is now walking under her own steam.. Lock up your sons, cars, livestock.. In fact run! run to the hills!